Nitrogen for Corn
Pivot Bio PROVEN® 40
Corn, the world’s most produced grain crop, is also the most dependent on nitrogen fertilizer. Available on-seed or in-furrow, PROVEN® 40 provides more predictable, productive nitrogen for corn, delivering steady nutrition at the plant root throughout the most critical growth stages, regardless of weather and soil type.

A Smart Investment
A 2022 Precision Planting® study showed that when 100% nitrogen rate is reduced by 45 lbs N and replaced with PROVEN® 40, revenue increased by over $12/acre.
A Better Nitrogen
The microbes in PROVEN® 40 convert atmospheric nitrogen into a plant-available form, providing a reliable source of the critical nutrient that stays put all season, regardless of weather or growing region, with no loss due to runoff, leaching or volatilization.
A Proven Performer
PROVEN 40® addresses corn nitrogen deficiency and, as shown in national nitrogen studies, delivers 11% more in-plant nitrogen and 10% more plant biomass as compared to standard grower practices.

How to Buy Pivot Bio
Pivot Bio has an extensive network of sales representatives working side-by-side with field agronomists to ensure farmers get the most value from our products. Many of our reps are farmers themselves who understand the challenges of modern agriculture and are committed to solutions that drive profitability and sustainability on the farm.

Product Stewardship
Available for application on-seed and in-furrow, our biofertilizer works with existing farming practices and seamlessly integrates with planting. Because our microbial nitrogen is a living organism, farmers should follow our handling, storage and usage guidelines to ensure they get the most value from their nutrient investment.
Pivot Bio has single-handedly shown me the most ROI on my farm in the last five years of anything I've tried. If I can apply 40 less pounds of nitrogen on 1,500 acres of corn, we're talking thousands of gallons of fertilizer. We're talking passes and trips over the field. We're talking more time with my family and still seeing ROI. That's what really matters to me.
Levi Ochsner - Sutton, NETo me, confidence is built over years. We've tested it for years on our own farm. We don't have to take someone else's word for it, and we've trialed PROVEN 40 on all the different types of soils in northwest Missouri. Seeing the different chlorophyll levels, different plant weights, and in some cases, differences in yield, that’s what has built my confidence over the years.
Travis Milne - Oregon, MOThe plant health was way better, the tops were in the corn, and there were more leaves on the plant at harvest. I've seen that it works. I know that it works. It's just part of our fertility plan at this point. Whatever the weather is, the nitrogen's there for us.
Dane Whitley - Ness City, KS

NLIGHTEN® Your Bottom Line
Pivot Bio’s NLIGHTEN® in-furrow tank system mounts on your existing planter to deliver the precise amount of microbial nitrogen at the root on every acre. Through the NLIGHTEN® equipment reimbursement program, farmers can offset the cost of in-furrow equipment when they use PROVEN® 40 or RETURN®, making it easier to incorporate Pivot Bio products into their nitrogen management plans.