Nitrogen for Corn Silage
Pivot Bio PROVEN® 40
Corn, the world’s most produced grain crop, is also the most dependent on nitrogen fertilizer. Available on-seed or in-furrow, PROVEN® 40 provides a more predictable, productive nitrogen for corn, delivering steady nutrition at the plant root throughout the most critical growth stages, regardless of weather and soil type.

Same Starch, Same Energy
Silage treated with PROVEN® 40 was on par with the untreated check in starch percentages, providing consistent energy density for a reliable feed source.
More Feed Per Acre
PROVEN® 40 eliminates corn nitrogen deficiency and delivers over 22 tons/acre, nearly a ton more than farmer standard practice.
More Sustainable Nitrogen
PROVEN® 40 delivers predictable plant nutrition for a consistent feed product and stronger bottom line.

How to Buy Pivot Bio
Pivot Bio has an extensive network of sales representatives working side-by-side with field agronomists to ensure farmers get the most value from our products. Many of our reps are farmers themselves who understand the challenges of modern agriculture and are committed to solutions that drive profitability and sustainability on the farm.

Product Stewardship
Available for application on-seed and in-furrow, our biofertilizer works with existing farming practices and seamlessly integrates with planting. Because our microbial nitrogen is a living organism, farmers should follow our handling, storage and usage guidelines to ensure they get the most value from their nutrient investment.
Feed quality for a dairy cow is tremendously important. Last year we heard about Pivot Bio PROVEN 40® and did about 1,000 acres and really liked what we saw. This year we did all 3,000 acres of corn and will continue to do all the acres of corn for the foreseeable future.

NLIGHTEN® Your Bottom Line
Pivot Bio’s NLIGHTEN® in-furrow tank system mounts on your existing planter to deliver the precise amount of microbial nitrogen at the root on every acre. Through the NLIGHTEN® equipment reimbursement program, farmers can offset the cost of in-furrow equipment when they use PROVEN® 40 or RETURN®, making it easier to incorporate Pivot Bio products into their nitrogen management plans.